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1. 个人介绍

马姣,男,博士,入选河北工业&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;元光学者启航A岗。主要从事城市有机垃圾生物预处理及其产物能源化利用研究,近年来在EnergyFuelScience of the Total EnvironmentWaste Management等本学科领域国际期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,现主持国家自然科学基金1项、河北省自然科学基金1项、河北省高层次人才资助项目1项,同时参与国家级及省部级项目5项。

2. 工作经历




3. 教育经历



4. 研究方向



5. &#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;




1. 主持及参与项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于外热源与极端嗜热协同的城市污泥超高温生物干化机理研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持;

[2] 河北省自然科学基金青年项目,外热协同极端嗜热菌对污泥生物干化过程碳代谢调控及氮迁移转化的影响机制研究,2020.01-2022.12,主持;

[3] 河北省高层次人才资助项目博士后择优资助,外热协同极端嗜热强化污泥生物干化过程碳源代谢及热质传递机制研究,2020.06-20博彩公司.11,主持;

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,焚烧底灰全量消纳双功能催化剂的构建及其对CO2吸附-催化甲烷重整的耦合机理研究,2022.01-2025.12,参与;

[5] 河北省自然科学基金面上项目,焚烧底灰衍生镍基催化剂的构建及其催化裂解生物质焦油机理研究,20博彩公司.01-2023.12,参与;

[6] 河北省自然科学基金创新群体项目,能源利用过程污染物控制,20博彩公司.08-2023.12,参与

2. 年发表主要论文成功

[1] Xinyue Zhang#, Jiao Ma#, Lina Liu, Boxiong Shen, Zhichuan Li, Zhikun Zhang. Melting solidification of oily sludge with coal fly ash: Fusion characteristics, phases transformation and metals leaching behavior. Fuel, 2023, 332: 126240.(中科院1top

[2] Jiao Ma, Wenwen Kong, Weiqiang Di, Zhikun Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang, Shuo Feng, Boxiong Shen, Lan Mu. Synergetic effect of bulking agent and biodegradation on pyrolysis of biodried products derived from municipal organic wastes. Energy, 2022, 248: 123512.(中科院1top

[3] Jiao Ma, Shuo Feng, Zhikun Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang, Wenwen Kong, Peng Yuan, Boxiong Shen, Lan Mu. Effect of torrefaction pretreatment on the combustion characteristics of the biodried products derived from municipal organic wastes. Energy, 2022, 239: 122358.(中科院1top

[4] Jiao Ma, Zhikun Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang, Wenwen Kong, Shuo Feng, Boxiong Shen, Lan Mu. Integration of torrefaction and in-situ pelletization for biodried products derived from municipal organic wastes: The influences of temperature on fuel properties and combustion behaviours. Fuel, 2022, 313: 122845.(中科院1top

[5] Jiao Ma, Shuo Feng, Zhikun Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang, Wenwen Kong, Peng Yuan, Boxiong Shen, Lan Mu. Pyrolysis characteristics of biodried products derived from municipal organic wastes: Synergistic effect of bulking agents and modification of biodegradation. Environmental Research, 2022, 206: 112300.(中科院2top

[6] Wenwen Kong, Boxiong Shen*, Jiao Ma*, Jia Kong, Shuo Feng, Zhuozhi Wang, Lifu Xiong. Pyrolysis of Spirulina platensis, Tetradesmus obliquus and Chlorella vulgaris by TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS: Kinetic analysis and pyrolysis behaviour. Energy, 2022, 244: 123165. (中科院1top

[7] Jiao Ma, Lan Mu, Zhikun Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang, Wenwen Kong, Shuo Feng, Aimin Li, Boxiong Shen, Lei Zhang. Influence of thermal assistance on the biodegradation of organics during food waste bio-drying: Microbial stimulation and energy assessment. Chemosphere, 20博彩公司, 272: 129875.(中科院2top

[8] Jiao Ma, Shuo Feng, Xiaoqian Shen, Zhikun Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang, Wenwen Kong, Peng Yuan, Boxiong Shen, Lan Mu. Integration of the pelletization and combustion of biodried products derived from municipal organic wastes: The influences of compression temperature and pressure. Energy, 20博彩公司, 博彩公司9: 119614.(中科院1top

[9] Jiao Ma, Lan Mu, Zhikun Zhang, Zhuozhi Wang, Boxiong Shen, Lei Zhang, Aimin Li. The effects of the modification of biodegradation and the interaction of bulking agents on the combustion characteristics of biodried products derived from municipal organic wastes. Energy, 2020, 209: 118438.(中科院1top

[10] Jiao Ma, Lei Zhang, Lan Mu, et al. Multivariate insights of bulking agents influence on co-biodrying of sewage sludge and food waste: Process performance, organics degradation and microbial community. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 681: 18-27.(中科院1top

[11] Jiao Ma, Lei Zhang, Lan Mu, Kongyun Zhu, Aimin Li. Energetic enhancement of thermal assistance in cooling stage of biodrying by stimulating microbial degradation. Waste Management, 2019, 89: 165-176.(中科院1top