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任更波,教授(准聘)博士生导师,环境工程系主任, 场地空间污染治理研究所所长。天津市生态环境损害赔偿鉴定评估专家,天津市科技特派员。

个人简介:2019年获得南开&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;环境工程专业博士学位;2018/02-2019/03 西班牙巴塞罗那&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;,联合培养博士研究生;2019/07-至今 河北工业&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496; 讲师、副教授、教授





[1] 国家自然基金面上项目,42377075,主持

[2] 国家自然基金青年项目,2博彩公司06036,主持

[3] 中央引导地方科技发展资金236Z3602G,主持

[4] 河北省自然基金青年项目,B2020202061,主持

[5] 河北省引进留学人员资助项目,C20博彩公司0336,主持

[6] 国家环境保护土壤环境管理与污染控制重点实验室开放课题,MEESEPC202307,主持

[7] 北京高能时代环境&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;股份有限公司&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;开发项目,HG博彩公司34,主持

[8] 国家重点研发计划,2020YFC1808603, 项目骨干

[9] 国家重大研究计划,91545126,参与


[1] Gengbo Ren, Sonia Lanzalaco, Minghua Zhou*, Pere L. Cabot, Enric Brillas, Ignasi Sirés*. Replacing carbon cloth by nickel mesh as substrate for air-diffusion cathodes: H2O2 production and carbenicillin degradation by photoelectro-Fenton. Chemical Engineering Journal. 454, 2023, 140515.

[2] Mingchen Zhao, Xiaodong Ma, Ruixuan Li, Junqiao Mei, Tiantong Rao, Gengbo Ren*, Haiwei Guo, Zhineng Wu, In-situ slow production of Fe2+ to motivate electro-Fenton oxidation of bisphenol A in a flow through dual-anode reactor using current distribution strategy: Advantages, CFD and toxicity assessment, Electrochimica Acta, 411, 2022, 140059

[3] Gengbo Ren, Minghua Zhou*, Qizhan Zhang, Xin Xu, Yanchun Li, Pei Su, Martin Paidar, Karel Bouzek, Cost-efficient improvement of coking wastewater biodegradability by multi-stages flow through peroxi-coagulation under low current load, Water Research, 154, 2019, 336-348

[4] Xiaodong Ma, Tiantong Rao, Mingchen Zhao, Zhiwei Jia, Gengbo Ren*, Jingyang Liu, Haiwei Guo, Zhineng Wu, Haijiao Xie, A novel induced zero-valent iron electrode for in-situ slow release of Fe2+ to effectively trigger electro-Fenton oxidation under neutral pH condition: Advantages and mechanisms, Separation and Purification Technology, 283, 2022, 120160

[5] Qizhan Zhang, Minghua Zhou*, Gengbo Ren, Yawei Li, Yanchun Li, Xuedong Du. Highly efficient electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide on a superhydrophobic three-phase interface by natural air diffusion. Nature. Communication. 11, 2020, 1731.

[6] Gengbo Ren, Minghua Zhou*, Pei Su, Weilu Yang, Xiaoye Lu, Yinqiao Zhang, Simultaneous sulfadiazines degradation and disinfection from municipal secondary effluent by a flow-through electro-Fenton process with graphene-modified cathode, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 368, 2019, 830-839

[7] Tiantong Rao, Xiaodong Ma, Qiusheng Yang, Siyu Cheng, Gengbo Ren*, Zhineng Wu, Ignasi Sirés, Upgrading the peroxi-coagulation treatment of complex water matrices using a magnetically assembled mZVI/DSA anode: Insights into the importance of ClO radical, Chemosphere, 303, Part 1, 2022, 134948

[8] Gengbo Ren, Ruixuan Li, Mingchen Zhao, Qidong Hou, Tiantong Rao, Minghua Zhou*, Xiaodong Ma*, Membrane electrodes for electrochemical advanced oxidation processes: Preparation, self-cleaning mechanisms and prospects, Chemical Engineering Journal, 451, Part 3, 2023, 138907

[9] Zhuoqi Xu, Xiaodong Ma*, Zizhang Wei, Gengbo Ren*, Zhineng Wu, Quanli Man, Bin Zhou, Honglei Liu, Dekui Yuan, A novel fate and transport model for evaluating the presence and environmental risk of per-/poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) among multi-media in Lingang hybrid constructed wetland, Tianjin, China, Chemosphere, 291, Part 1, 2022, 132724

[10] Gengbo Ren, Minghua Zhou*, Qizhan Zhang, Xin Xu, Yanchun Li, Pei Su, A novel stacked flow-through electro-Fenton reactor as decentralized system for the simultaneous removal of pollutants (COD, NH3-N and TP) and disinfection from domestic sewage containing chloride ions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 387, 2020, 124037


[1] 一种电芬顿复合膜阴极的制备方法及应用方法,任更波, 范守港, 赵明晨, 饶天彤, 马小东(专利号:ZL202010787902.X.20博彩公司,已授权

[2] 一种感应电极及在电-磁耦合场中降解污染物的方法, 任更波,贾志威,马小东,张新一(专利号:ZL202010787902.X,已授权)

[3] 空气主动扩散式过氧化氢电化学发生装置,周明华,张齐展,任更波(专利号:ZL201910154547.X,已授权)

[4] 一种高效产过氧化氢的空气扩散阴极的构型和制备方法,周明华,张超,于新民,任更波(专利号:ZL201310698957.3,已授权)

[5] 一种适合近中性有机废水处理的非均相电芬顿方法,周明华,张超,于新民,任更波(专利号:ZL201310442420.0,已授权)








刘冠宇(2024届) 南开&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;(保送)

刘竞阳 2022届) 南开&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;(保送)

梅俊乔(2022届) 哈尔滨工业&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;(保送)

冉肖萌(2022届) 同济&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;(保送)

李伊扬(20博彩公司届) 复旦&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;(保送)

